To each
his own style...

Who said it was complicated to prepare Foie Gras? Don’t let yourself be fooled: whether you are a true cordon bleu or a beginner, Foie Gras adapts to multiple cooking styles: traditional or, more surprisingly, in the Thermomix or the microwave... Foie Gras has many secrets in store for you! Our guide is waiting to take you to the kitchen!

Foie Gras in 1921:
Revisiting our classics

 The traditional bain-marie…

This very widespread cooking method, which uses hot water to simmer, reheat or keep warm, is also used to prepare your Foie Gras!

To make Foie Gras in a bain-marie, opt for a whole raw Foie Gras — but don’t forget that it needs to be deveined first!

Having left your product to breathe at room temperature, place it in a deep dish and season it with salt and pepper. You can also add a teaspoon of the liquor of your choice to enhance its taste: Port, Armagnac and Sauternes are an excellent match for this exceptional product!

Leave to marinate for about thirty minutes, then place your Foie Gras in a terrine.

In an oven preheated to 180°C, create a bain-marie, by placing your terrine in a dish containing hot water.

Remember: Cook at 180°C, allowing between 20 and 30 minutes of cooking time for 500g of Foie Gras.


To check whether your Foie Gras is cooked through, insert the blade of a knife: if it comes out warm, then your Foie Gras is ready!

Last step: let your Foie Gras terrine cool before enjoying it – you can later keep it in the fridge for up to 3 days. It is an ideal starter because it can be prepared in advance!

When Foie Gras hits the pan!

Looking for an excellent starter? Consider Pan-seared Foie Gras!

To make pan-seared Foie Gras, it is essential that you use very good quality whole raw Foie Gras (in the fresh or frozen section).

Cut your fresh Foie Gras into escalopes (ideally about 1.5 cm long). The kind sold frozen is already pre-cut. The pan enables you to give the Foie Gras just the right sear: cook for 4 to 5 minutes on high heat on both sides.

Enjoy warm with bread and whatever garnish suits your fancy! For example, you can choose a combination of sweet and savoury items to mix things up: cooked apples, kiwis, or roasted butternut!

Tip for a knock-out starter:

serve your pan-seared Foie Gras on small slices of brioche perdu flavoured with Armagnac – a sure-fire hit with your guests!

Half-cooked Foie Gras… When granny’s advice is in vogue!

Planning to have friends over for dinner and want to surprise them? We have just the thing for you! Make them some half-cooked Foie Gras! By “semi-cooking” Foie Gras, you will be able to optimally keep and preserve the product’s original flavour!


Half-cooked Foie Gras can be conditioned in different ways: in a terrine, in a jar, vacuum-packed or even canned…! A simple and efficient way to keep it longer (from 3 to 6 months and always in a cool place!)

To make a half-cooked Foie Gras it is essential that you choose your Foie Gras carefully, and to maximise the flavours, you can season your Foie Gras with Guérande salt! For this purpose, mix your Foie Gras with Guérande salt and grey pepper.

Once it is seasoned, wrap your Foie Gras inside a cloth (tea towel, gauze, etc.) and prepare an airtight container that closes (e.g., Tupperware, preferably in glass). Fill the container a third of the way with coarse Guérande salt to form a bed, then place your Foie Gras on the bed of salt.

Put it in the refrigerator for 48 hours, and do not open during this time. Remove the Foie Gras from the cloth, making sure it does come in contact with the salt.

It’s now ready to be cooked! Wrap your seasoned Foie Gras in cling film to form a sausage-shape, twisting the ends of the film to close it up. You can use the bain-marie technique to cook it for 50 minutes, the process that enables you to cook your Foie Gras through, at a temperature between 70°C and 85°.

Once it is cooked, plunge your Foie Gras in cold water and leave to mature in the fridge before enjoying it!

For more information, view all our recipe ideas for semi-cooked Foie Gras: The Kitchen Is Calling!

Foie Gras wrapped in a cloth… for foodlovers

Foie Gras wrapped in a cloth is also a half-cooked Foie Gras, but cooked in a very distinctive way… It is greatly enjoyed by connoisseurs as, being cooked in a broth, and thus at a low temperature, it preserves all its flavours.

  • To start, it is recommended that you let the Foie Gras drain in a bit of milk and water with coarse salt for one hour.


  • Then season the Foie Gras with the blend of your choice (salt, spices, etc.), spreading it over the Foie Gras. Leave your Foie Gras, wrapped in cling film with its mixture, to marinate in the fridge for 1 hour!

  • Then take a clean cloth and roll your Foie Gras up in side, making sure it is tightly closed at both ends. Plunge your Foie Gras into a large volume of boiling water, taking care to ensure it is completely covered. Bring to a boil again then remove, cover, and let rest and cool to room temperature.

  • Your Foie Gras is now almost ready. All you have to do is open up the cloth, unroll the Foie Gras to press the food, and repeat step 3 by rewrapping your Foie Gras in a cloth. Now, let rest for at least 12 hours, in a cool place — then enjoy!

10 seconds of culture

Foie gras is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. It is recommended to include this type of fatty acid in one’s diet, as it is known to lowers bad blood cholesterol levels.

Foie Gras in 2021

Looking to surprise your friends and family with a home-made dish that doesn’t require too much fuss? Make your Foie Gras with the help of your favourite food processor: whether a Cookéo or Thermomix, anything goes! That’s right, Foie Gras can also be cooked and very easily — this way!

Your Foie Gras in the COOKEO


Ground pepper, salt, alcohol (cognac, sauternes, etc.), Fleur de sel, 1/2 deveined raw Foie Gras

  • To get started, soak your Foie Gras in salted water for 1 hour
  • Then let the Foie Gras macerate in a seasoning composed of salt, pepper, and add 1 tablespoon of the liquor of your choice. Cognac or Sauternes would be an excellent pairing, for example.
  • Then pour the equivalent of 20 ml of water into the bowl of your Cookéo and bring to a boil. In this process, you can use the “browning” for the preheating stage.
  • Place your Foie Gras in the steam basket, then in the food processor, then start cooking on “pressure cooking” mode for about 12 minutes.
  • Done! Keep in a cool place — you will need to wait another 8 hours before enjoying it!

Your Foie Gras in the Thermomix


1 x 400g deveined raw Foie Gras, fine salt, ground pepper, 50g of port, 1 litre of water

  • Pour 1 teaspoon of salt on each side of your Foie Gras, the same with the pepper.
  • Place the Foie Gras in a container and bathe it in 50g of Port, marinate the mixture in the closed container for 2 hours in a cool place.
  • Add 1L of water to the tank of your Thermomix and set it for 10 minutes on the varoma function at simmering speed.
  • Once it has been marinated, wrap your Foie Gras in 2 layers of cling film, and wrap tightly. Close the film on the sides with rubber bands to form a papillote.
  • Complete by wrapping the whole thing in aluminium foil so that the heat can be evenly distributed during cooking.
  • Place the whole inside the varoma of your Thermomix and set it for a further 9 minutes. Turn it over, then set for another 9 minutes.
  • Once ready, place it in a bowl filled with water and ice cubes for 40 minutes, so that it can set and harden.
  • Keep in a cool place for 3 days before unwrapping and enjoying.

Foie Gras for people on the run….

For even greater convenience and speed, you can also opt to make your Foie Gras in the microwave!
This alternative will be perfect for those who don’t have many kitchen utensils at their disposal!


Ready in 2 minutes flat: A tip from our Speed Cooker

-Choose a 500g Foie Gras and, in a bowl, pour one litre of milk, and add a bit of water until it is completely covered. You can add ice cubes to firm it up.

– Place the Foie Gras in the refrigerator for 2 hours then drain and dry it.

– Season your product with coarse salt and pepper and wrap it in cling film, making several rounds.

-Put your Foie Gras in the microwave for 2 minutes. Once it has been cooked, put the Foie Gras in the fridge to sit for a day.

That’s all, it’s ready: all in a snap! Enjoy your meal!